mountainous land - traduction vers grec
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mountainous land - traduction vers grec

Mountainous Shoria; Gornaya Shoria; Shoria; Mountain Shoria; Mount Shoriya; Mountain Shoriya; Mountainous Shoriya

land registry         
Land registry; Land Registry; Land register; Land Register; Land titles; Land Registration; Land Record; Land records in India; Land records in india; Land registering; Property Registration Authority
βουνώδης τόπος      
mountainous land
land redistribution         
Land Reform; Land to the Tiller; Land reforms; Agricultural reform; Land redistribution; Land Reform Act; Redistribution of land; Land-reform; Land reformer; Land Reforms; Land to the tiller; Land to the Tillers; Land to the Tillers policy; Policy of Land to the Tillers; Land to the people; Land for the people; Land Question; Land-redistribution


n. real property, real estate (and all that grows thereon), and the right to minerals underneath and the airspace over it. It may include improvements like buildings, but not necessarily. The owner of the land may give a long-term (like 99 years) lease to another with the right to build on it. The improvement is a "leasehold" for ownership of the right to use-without ownership of-the underlying land. The right to use the air above a parcel of land is subject to height limitations by local ordinance, state or federal law. See also: real estate real property


Gornaya Shoriya

Gornaya Shoria, Mountainous Shoria, or Mountain Shoria (Russian: Горная Шория, Gornaya Shoriya, Shor: Тағлығ Шор, Tağlığ Şor) is a territory in southern Siberia, Russia, east of the Altay Mountains. It is the southern part of Kemerovo Oblast. The indigenous population of the region are the Shors.

The territory is mountainous: spurs of Abakan Range, Salair Ridge and Kuznetsk Alatau. It is rich in ores, and it is also part of the Kuznetsk Coal Basin. Other industries include logging, fur hunting, pine nut harvesting and tourism (ski resort in Sheregesh).

Exemples du corpus de texte pour mountainous land
1. The people of this mountainous land have been plagued for years by war.
2. But like much else in this mountainous land _ long known as quirky holdout from modernity, allowing television and the Internet only in 1''' _ Monday‘s vote came with a twist: It was the king, not the people, who pressed for democracy.
3. Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand province, was preparing to commemorate the end of the Third Anglo–Afghan War in 1'1', which finally drove the British out of this proud, mountainous land.
4. Bhutan has long been an eccentric holdout from modernity –– a mountainous land where Buddhist kings reigned supreme, only allowing the Internet and television in 1''' and coming up with the idea of Gross National Happiness, an all–encompassing political philosophy that seeks to balance material progress with spiritual well–being.
5. Given that other Elisabeths and Nataschas might even now be suffering somewhere within their mountainous land, the Austrians are demanding to know how such depravity could have gone undetected for so long, right under the noses of the perpetrators‘ relatives, neighbours and, in this latest case, visiting social workers.